Submit Your Project Request
Everyone — at one point or another — needs a helping hand from a caring neighbor. And sometimes we can be that caring neighbor to someone else who needs help!
What types of projects can I get help with?
Generally speaking, most projects that volunteers can assist with are simple projects that can be easily accomplished by individuals, families, or groups, and do not require special tools, advanced skills, or a long time to complete.
The following projects may be shared by you to request assistance from volunteers.
Around the House
Furniture Assembly
Interior Painting*
Exterior Painting*
Gutter Cleanout*
Door Hardware Repair*
Faucet Repair*
Appliance Installation*
Drywall Patch*
Curtain / Shelf Hanging*
Lightbulb Replacement
Bike Repair
Simple Home Repair*
Stair / Handrail Repair*
Grab Bar Installation*
Helping Hand
Technology Assistance
Paperwork Assistance
Prayer / Encouragement
Friendly Phone Call or Visit
Meal Preparation
Need a Ride
Pickup / Delivery
Moving Assistance
Around the Yard
Yard Cleanup
Yard Mowing
Leaf Raking
Snow Removal
Yard Barn Repair*
Fence Repairs*

Major Home Repairs
From time-to-time, and as funding permits, we are able to complete the Major Home Repair projects listed below. These projects are accepted on a limited basis because they require extensive funding and licensed contractors to complete.
Community One’s Major Home Repair program is not meant for emergency repairs and you are encouraged to continue to seek assistance from other organizations in the meantime.
- Roof Repair / Replacement*
- Furnace (HVAC) Repair / Replacement*
- Accessibility Ramp Construction*
*Deeded ownership of the home is required for these projects
Important Project Guidelines
The following guidelines apply to Neighbors Helping Neighbors projects:
- Projects must be submitted by the neighbor actually requesting the assistance. We do not share projects entered by referral organizations or third parties.
- Only projects within Evansville, IN zip codes are accepted.
- Because we are unable to do alterations on a home without the permission of the owner, the projects listed above marked with an asterisk (*) require you to be the deeded owner of the home in order to be considered.
- Projects are not able to be completed on vacant homes.
- Because this is a volunteer-based program, we cannot ensure your project will be completed so it is not best suited for emergency repairs. Also, projects are not completed in the order they are submitted, so we encourage you to seek other forms of assistance while you wait for a volunteer to adopt your project.
- Have a genuine need for assistance and are unable to accomplish or fully pay for the project on their own.
- Be the deeded owner of the home and live in the home as their primary residence.
- Be willing to release Community One from liability by signing a waiver.
- Complete and return an informational survey prior to the project being completed.
- Actively communicate with our team, promptly returning phone calls and emails.
- Be present during site visits and during the repair.
- Support the project financially if you are able.
- Provide proof of income.
Mobile homes or manufactured homes are ineligible for repairs through the Major Home Repair program.
- To submit a project request, neighbors must fill out a form telling us about themselves and their project information and must electronically sign a Waiver of Release and Liability. The person submitting the project must be the person needing assistance, requests cannot be submitted by a third party for a neighbor.
- After filling out the form and agreeing to the Waiver, your request will enter moderation and will not be approved until it is reviewed by a staff member.
- Staff members ensure the project is something that volunteers can accomplish, it is located in the zip codes we currently serve, and information is complete and correct, and the project meets our criteria before approving it.
- If the project is something we can make available to volunteers, you will receive an email informing them that their request has been approved and is available for volunteers to adopt and complete.
- Once a project has been approved, volunteers can adopt the project and will contact the neighbor to arrange a time to meet and complete the project.
- If your project does not meet our criteria, you will receive an email notifying you that your request has been denied and reiterating our project criteria. If you have another request that fits our criteria, you are welcome to return to the site and submit another request.
- We can post up to 3 projects at one time per household. Please only post one request per project.
- Projects expire in 6 months if they are not adopted by volunteers, but neighbors are welcome to return to the website and post them again.
- Because this is a volunteer-based program, we cannot ensure your project will be completed so it is not best suited for emergency repairs. Additionally, projects are not completed in the order they are submitted, so we encourage you to seek other forms of assistance while you wait for a volunteer to adopt your project.
We hope that we are able to connect you with a neighbor to provide a helping hand. But even if we are unable to meet your physical needs, please know that our team will pray for you. If you have any specific prayer requests or other spiritual needs, please email them to Hannah Wehr.