Find Your Fit In Neighborhood Revitalization

What is neighborhood revitalization?

Neighborhood revitalization is a is a facilitated process where residents and stakeholders work together towards a shared vision.

Using an Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) approach, neighborhood revitalization follows the process of Listen-Align-Act-Measure with residents of a neighborhood. Through formal and informal listening sessions, a lead agency, like Community One, will help neighbors to discover a shared vision for their neighborhood. They will then bring together residents and community stakeholders to create positive and sustainable change in neighborhoods built on the passions and dreams of the neighbors who live there.

Neighborhood revitalization transforms neighborhoods into communities that offer hope and the opportunity for a better life. 

What is Love Your Neighborhood?

Community One convenes and coaches neighborhoods through the process of neighborhood revitalization over extended periods of time. We provide a proven framework, practical tools, and customized solutions from a network of neighborhood revitalization practitioners with unique learned and lived experiences.

Love Your Neighborhood is how we can help you realize the assets in your neighborhood and use them to create positive and sustainable change in the place where you live.

Would you like to bring Love Your Neighborhood to your neighborhood? Take the survey below to find your fit.

How we help

We come alongside you as a guide in engaging and activating residents with the tools and coaching you need to create positive change and build flourishing neighborhoods from the inside out.

We provide a proven framework, practical tools, and customized solutions from a network of neighborhood revitalization practitioners with unique learned and lived experiences.

Together we can support you in genuinely and accessibly integrating neighbors into a sustainable change process.

Take the Next Step

Fill out this short survey to find out how to get started. Your answers will help identify and equip you to take your next step.


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Recommended Resources

Find books, articles, podcasts, and videos to learn more about asset-based community development and neighborhood revitalization.