Dear {{firstName}},

Enclosed is a consumer report that we requested in connection with your application for volunteering with Community One’s Neighbors Helping Neighbors program. In accordance with the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), also enclosed is a copy of your rights under the Act.

Due, in part, to the contents of this consumer report, a decision is pending regarding your application for volunteering. As required under the FCRA, we are notifying you in advance of any adverse action being taken. 

You have the right to dispute the accuracy of the information in this report by contacting the consumer reporting agency listed below directly within five business days of this notice. The consumer reporting agency did not, however, make this decision and cannot provide specific reasons for the decision. 

 558 Castle Pines Parkway, #B4-137, Castle Rock CO 80108
(866) 891-1954


Libby Kilburn
Neighbors Helping Neighbors Coordinator

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Enclosure: A Summary of Your Rights Under the Fair Credit and Reporting Act