2023 Tepe Park Neighborhood Survey
Tepe Park neighbors are joining together to be the change they want to see for their own neighborhood. There is a specific focus on the livability of the neighborhood, opportunities for youth and lifelong learning, and neighboring and community in order to revitalize the neighborhood.
Neighborhood revitalization starts with listening and ends with measuring impact.
In order to keep resident-voice and action at the center of the work, residents shared their personal experiences and thoughts about their neighborhood through a formal survey in the Fall of 2023.
This report contains the results of 131 neighbor surveys. All blocks in the neighborhood were represented in the survey collection to ensure that we captured a diverse sampling. This information will help us make data-driven decisions as we work together towards long-term sustainable impact.
If you are a Tepe Park neighbor or a community partner interested in continuing the work of neighborhood revitalization alongside residents, visit tepepark.org or the Tepe Park Neighborhood Association Facebook page to connect.
Surveys were mailed to all residents with a valid mailing address, followed by door-to-door canvassing using neighborhood volunteers.
A total of 131 individuals (age 18 and over) completed the survey in 2023 and 117 responded in 2018.
All block groups in the area had representation among the survey responses. Data were also weighted by key demographic characteristics including age, gender, race/ethnicity, education, and rent/ownership status.
- The margin of error for each survey administration (+/-8% in 2023 and +/-8.5% in 2018, with a 95% confidence interval) limited comparability between administrations.
- For findings highlighted to the left, overall agreement significantly increased statistically (not likely due to random chance alone) from 2018 to 2023 across years.
- The percentage of respondents selecting strongly agree for items to the left increased across survey administrations.